
Rachel Wojo

Life feeling chaotic? Many people struggle to hold on to faith in God when they hit the storms of life. As a mom, I've lost a daughter. As a daughter, I've lost my mom. And dad. I know the words you need to hear. With my beautiful, biblical resources, you’ll clear your head and calm your heart no matter the chaos of life.

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September Bible Reading Challenge

Hey Reader, Do you ever struggle to remember to pray the truth of what God has said He will do? Praying God’s promises is a beautiful expression of prayer. When we remind God of His Word, He is pleased for two reasons. 1. He is pleased that we know His Word. 2. He is pleased to receive the glory in fulfilling His Word. We can’t pray the promises if we don’t know the promises, right? What does it mean to pray with promises? What is a list of God’s promises? The Praying the Promises Bible...

Hey Reader, Maybe today you're facing out-of-control circumstances, total fatigue, or disappearing hope. Perhaps your life right now holds sorrow, grief, and agony. But there is also joy, grace, and relief available to you. This month's Bible reading challenge reminds us that running TO God's Word when the first moment of despair hits is critical for the strength to keep going, one step at a time. I want to replace feelings of despair with the truth of Scripture. You too? Good. You're in the...

On The Podcast Have you ever been mad at God? How do you pray when anger puts distance between you and God? Whether your rage results from discouragement, depression, sickness, or sorrow, God can handle your emotion. In this episode, Rachel Wojo explains how to move forward step by step when you struggle to pray because of anger. As someone who struggled with anger over the loss of her mother, Rachel gently guides you to ditch the anger and deepen your prayer walk with God. LISTEN NOW Prayer...

On The Podcast Have you ever done something you wish you could undo? Or said something you wish you could take back? What is it like to find the freedom to forgive yourself? Hospital Chaplain Bryan Crum sat at the bedside of many people who struggled with their life choices. Listen in as Rachel asks Bryan the hard questions about what to do when you’ve done things you can’t forgive yourself for. LISTEN NOW FINAL DAY OF SUMMER BUNDLE SALE- 6/20 Praying the Psalms BUNDLE: Journal AND Prayer...

Hey Reader, The feeling of anxiety can be vicious in its attack. While at times, it gradually builds from circumstances, other times, it appears suddenly, out of nowhere. I've walked this journey with several loved ones and it's challenging! Though I personally have only experienced bouts of anxiety and not more serious seasons of continual anxiousness, I believe prayer has been the critical element in overcoming anxiety battles. My hope for you is that this prayer to overcome anxiety will...

Hey Reader, Sometimes life runs at a pace that is simply not what God originally planned. His plan includes work, that's for sure. But His plan also includes rest, a time to enjoy the goodness of work. In this season, the Lord has been teaching me to slow down. This prayer for when I'm feeling exhausted has been a staple prayer in my life! Read a Prayer for When You Feel Exhausted NEW Rapt Interview with Rachel These questions aren’t ones you’ve heard asked and answered a thousand times. You...

On The Podcast Does your day begin with prayer and resolve to live out your faith, but then routine takes over and life drudges on? Maybe at the end of the day, you’ve wished for more personal conversations with God because somewhere between the morning and good night prayers, you lost connection with your Creator. In this episode of the Untangling Life podcast, Rachel shares six unlikely places to pray throughout your day that will transform your work into worship. LISTEN NOW JUNE BIBLE...

On The Podcast Have you ever struggled to find the words to pray? Maybe because life felt too hard or your heart was too broken. The words wouldn't form, and you wondered, "Does God even see me?" Don't miss this episode as Rachel unpacks six simple steps to take when the words won't come and you can't pray. If you've found yourself in a place where words fail you, then allow Rachel to be your prayer guide on a beautiful prayer journey. LISTEN NOW MAY BIBLE READING CHALLENGE Praise Him Anyway...

On The Podcast Prayer is a vital part of every Christian's life, but building a strong communication channel with God can be challenging. Join Rachel as she shares 5 ways to build our prayer lives patterned after the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah. You'll leave encouraged and equipped to utilize prayer habits that stick. Learn what to do before starting to pray Remember to start with prayer Embrace the power of God's promises as you pray AND MORE LISTEN NOW MAY BIBLE READING CHALLENGE Praise...

Hey Reader, I just received an email sharing that a friend's mama moved to heaven on Friday, just two days before Mother's Day. Sometimes, a single moment can consume our hearts completely. When I opened the email earlier, I was reminded of this prayer I wrote years ago and felt compelled to share it with you. If pain has stolen your breath, please feel free to borrow this prayer and make it your own. PRAY THIS PRAYER FOR THE MOMENT GET ALL THE MAY BIBLE READING CHALLENGE DETAILS HERE GET...