JULY Bible Reading Challenge starts Monday!

Hey Reader,

Maybe today you're facing out-of-control circumstances, total fatigue, or disappearing hope.

Perhaps your life right now holds sorrow, grief, and agony.

But there is also joy, grace, and relief available to you.

This month's Bible reading challenge reminds us that running TO God's Word when the first moment of despair hits is critical for the strength to keep going, one step at a time.

I want to replace feelings of despair with the truth of Scripture.

You too? Good. You're in the right place. What if we ran to God's Word when discouragement strikes and discovered the strength for another step?

Prayer Pause

Lord, I give myself to You today.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

- Romans 12:1

On The Podcast

Highlights Include:

🪻Discovering Healing in Castle Walls with Hospital Chaplain Bryan Crum

🪻Learning to Forgive Yourself with Hospital Chaplain Bryan Crum

🪻How to Pray When You Feel Angry

NEW YouVersion Bible Reading Plan

What Matters Most: The Book of 2 Timothy

Explore 2 Timothy, where the Apostle Paul shares his final, heartfelt advice with Timothy. This Bible reading plan highlights Paul's legacy of faith and leadership, focusing on key lessons Timothy needed most.

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Copyright © 2024 - Rachel Wojo

Rachel Wojo

Life feeling chaotic? Many people struggle to hold on to faith in God when they hit the storms of life. As a mom, I've lost a daughter. As a daughter, I've lost my mom. And dad. I know the words you need to hear. With my beautiful, biblical resources, you’ll clear your head and calm your heart no matter the chaos of life.

Read more from Rachel Wojo

Hey Reader, Do you ever struggle to remember to pray the truth of what God has said He will do? Praying God’s promises is a beautiful expression of prayer. When we remind God of His Word, He is pleased for two reasons. 1. He is pleased that we know His Word. 2. He is pleased to receive the glory in fulfilling His Word. We can’t pray the promises if we don’t know the promises, right? What does it mean to pray with promises? What is a list of God’s promises? The Praying the Promises Bible...

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